The IV Booster Club is a club that supports the athletic programs of the Indian Valley Local School District for grades 7-12 that are sponsored by the OHSAA.
The purpose of the IV Boosters Web Page is to centralize & relay any communications to our Members, Students, Parents & Community.
We will strive to keep up-to-date information such as upcoming fundraisers, annual scholarship program info, and concession stand schedules posted.
You can help by:
Attending our Monthly meetings, and helping us with NEW & FRESH ideas
to help raise funds for our Sports programs! -
Volunteer to work in any of our CONCESSION STANDS (this is the HEART of our fund-raising)
Help with any of our scheduled fund-raisers! (Steak fry, golf outing, Fish fry, Tusky Festival, etc.
President: Steve Carlisle
Vice President: Travis Love
Secretary: Mandy Poletti
Co-Treasurers: Libby Pasquinellii & Katie Carroll
Trustees: Amy Armstrong, Brittany Sunderlin & Michele Carlisle
*New Officers & Trustees elected every May meeting.